Working with Integration Point


An integration point is an end-point with the tier hierarchy that stores or provides information on the requests sent to the server, such as DB calls, coherence calls, and so on. There would not be any outgoing calls from the integration point. It only stores the information and serves the request that is required by the server.  You can perform various operations on integration points, such as drill down an integration point to show the request details, rename an integration point with the new one, map an integration point to a tier, change the icon of the integration point, show/hide integration point, and rename or reset multiple integration point names.

Drill Down

To drill down an integration point, right-click on an integration point and go to DrillDown. This displays the following options:

  • Flowpaths By IP Response Time
  • Flowpath By IP
  • Call Details

Flowpaths By IP Response Time

This feature helps a user to search the Flowpath report by applying the ‘IP Response Time’ filter. When you click the Flowpaths By IP Response Time, a window is displayed as shown in Figure 128.

Figure 128: Search By Response Time Window

You need to provide IP Response Time (in milliseconds) and click Apply. The Flowpath report which is generated, is filtered based on IP Response Time that is greater than or equal to the one as provided.

Figure 129: Total Response Time

Flowpath By IP

This feature helps you to search the Flowpath report based on IP name of the integration point, without applying any filter. When you click Flowpath By IP, the Flowpath report is displayed in a separate window as shown in Figure 130.

Figure 130: Flowpath By IP

Call Details

This feature helps you to view the call details of any third-party integration call. You can sort and filter these details too.

To see the call details, click on Drill Down -> Call Details as shown in figure.

Once the user clicks on the Call Details option, the call details window will open as shown below.

Figure 131: Call Details Window
Figure 132: Call Details Window

In the Call Details Window, the user can see the following details as listed below:

  • From: In this field, the user can see the source (tier) point.
  • To: In this field, the user can see the destination (tier/integration point) point.
  • Response Time: In this field, the user can see the total response time of the server.
  • Calls/Sec (%): In this field, the user can see the total number of calls that are being executed in a second.
  • Count: In this field, the user can see the total number of the server count.
  • Errors: In this field, the user can see the total number of errors in a call.
  • Errors/Sec: In this field, the user can see the total number of errors which are occurring in a call per second.

Rename Integration Point

This feature is used to rename an integration point. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Right-click on an integration point, and click the Rename Integration Point option as shown in Figure 133

Figure 133: Rename Integration Point
  1. The Rename Integration Point dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 134.
Figure 134: Rename Integration Point Dialog Box

3. Specify a new name, and click Save button. The integration point is renamed with the name specified as shown below.

Figure 135: Renamed Integration Point

Map Integration Point to Tier

This feature is used to map the integration points with both the ND tier and non-ND tier. You can extract/roll back if the integration point is mapped with a non-ND tier. However, it is mapped with a ND tier, and cannot be rolled back. For this, contact the Cavisson systems.

To map the integration point, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on an integration point, and click the Map Integration Point to Tier option as shown in Figure 136.
Figure 136: Map Integration Point to Tier
  1. The Map Integration Point dialog box is displayed as shown in Figure 137.
Figure 137: Map Integration Point Dialog Box
  1. Select the tier name from the list and click Apply button.. The integration point is mapped with the selected tier.

Figure 138: Integration Point (Mapped)

Change Icon

This feature is used to change the icon of an integration point. To do this, follow the below- mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on an integration point, and click the Change Icon option as shown in Figure 139.
Figure 139: Change Icon

2. The Changed Icon dialog box is displayed in Figure 140.

Figure 140: Change Icon Dialog Box

3. Click Choose to browse the icon file (to set the new icon), and then click Upload. The integration point icon is changed.

Figure 141: Select the new icon

4. Once the user has selected the file they want to choose; the selected file will be displayed on the window as shown below.

Figure 142: Selected File in Change Icon Window

Note: Once the user has selected the file they want to upload, the user has to click on the Upload button to upload the file. If the user does not want to upload the file, the user can click on the Cancel button.

Hide Integration Point

This feature is used to hide an integration point. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on an integration point, and then click the Hide Integration Point option as shown in Figure 143.
Figure 143: Hide Integration Point Option

2. The system prompts for confirmation, as shown below.

Figure 144: Confirmation Dialog Box

3. Click on Yes button to confirm hiding the integration point. The integration point disappears from the panel as shown below.

Figure 145: Hiding the integration point

4. To view the hidden integration point, go to the Edit Current Flow Map

Figure 146: Edit Current Flow Map Option
  1. Once the user clicks on the Edit Current View option, the Configuration Flow Map window will appear as shown below.
Figure 147: Configuration FlowMap Window
  1. In the Configuration FlowMap window, the user has to select the following option which are listed below:
  • Use Local Renaming of Integration Points: If a user wants to rename any integration point, then the user can select this checkbox. Once the user selects this checkbox, the local renaming of the integration point will be considered or the system will consider the default name of the integration point.
  • Show Flowpath upto n level on double click: On selecting this check box, you can double-click a tier to view all the connected tiers and the integration points up to ‘n’ level.
  • Show Integration Point with 0 Calls: On selecting this checkbox, the system will also consider the integration points that execute no calls, else the system eliminates those integration points that constitute no calls.
  • Transaction per Second: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on the number of transactions per second. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value for which the filter needs to be applied.
  • Response Time: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on the response time of transactions. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value (in milliseconds) for which the filter needs to be applied.
  • CPU Utilization: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on CPU utilization. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value (in percentage) for which the filter needs to be applied.
  • Apply these settings on Integration Point also: To apply these settings (value filters) i.e., the Transactions per second filter, Response time filter, and CPU utilization on Integration Point also, select this check box.
  • Show Call Details Per (in seconds or minutes): You can select show calls per second or minute.
  • Show Integration Point names in Flowmap upto characters: You can configure Integration Point character length. The default character length is 15.
  • Show only specified Tiers/Integration Points: You can configure Integration Point character length. The default character length is 15.
  • Show only specified Tiers/Integration Points: This can also be termed as Name Filters, where you can apply filters based on the Tier/Integration Point names. On selecting this check box, two sections are displayed, one for Hidden Tiers/Integration Points and the other for Visible Tiers/Integration Points. You can move the tiers/integration points from one section to another by using the arrow buttons. 
  • If you select this check box and do not apply value filters, then the system displays all those tiers/integration points that are under the Visible Tiers/Integration Points
  • If you apply value filters, then the system only considers the Tiers/Integration Points that are under the Visible Tiers/Integration Points section. The Tiers/Integration points that are under the Hidden Tiers/Integration Points section are not taken into consideration and hence are not displayed whether they are matched with the condition of value filters.
Figure 148: Integration Points

Note: Once the user has selected the required options, the user has to click on Apply   button to apply the configuration, if the user does not want to apply the configuration, the user has to click on the Cancel  button. The integration point is displayed

Reset Integration Point Names

You can rename multiple Integration Points at the same time. When this option is selected, all the Integration Points are listed in one place which makes it easier to rename those. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on an integration point, and then click the Rename multiple IP(s) option as shown in Figure 149.
Figure 149: Reset Integration Point Names Option
  1. A window is displayed that lists all the renamed IPs. Select the checkboxes against the IPs that need to be reset to their actual names as shown below.
Figure 150: Reset Integration Point Names Window

Note: Once the user has selected the required option to be reset, the user has to click on the Reset  button.

Rename Multiple IP(s)

You can rename multiple Integration Points at the same time. When this option is selected, all the Integration Points are listed in one place which makes it easier to rename those. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on an integration point, and then click the Rename multiple IP(s) option as shown in Figure 151.
Figure 151: Rename Multiple IP(s) Option
  1. A window is displayed listing all the existing IPs as shown in Figure 152. You can select the IPs that need to be renamed and move them to the Integration Points to be renamed section by using the arrow button.
Figure 152: Rename Multiple Integration Point Window
  1. Provide the new name of the selected IPs in the text box below, and then click Apply button.

Working with Right Pane

The Right pane displays the overall health of the tier and its associated entities. You can see alerts, business health, server health, integration point health, and transaction scorecard on the right pane. It is displayed by clicking the Maximize/Minimize view   button as shown in Figure 153.

Figure 153: Right Pane Window

Selection of Tier

By default, the system displays the details of the selected tier. However, if multiple tiers are grouped, you can select a tier from the drop-down list. Then, details of the selected tier are displayed as shown in Figure 154.

Figure 154: Select Tier Option


This section displays several alerts, such as critical, major, and minor for the selected tier. Alerts are represented by different colors, for example – critical alerts are represented by red color, major by orange color, and minor by yellow color as shown in Figure 143.

Figure 155: Alert Window

Business Health

This section displays business transactions health of the selected tier. Business health is categorized into critical, warning, and normal, and is represented by red, orange, and green color respectively. It is represented in the form of percentage as shown in Figure 156.

Figure 156: Business Health Window

Normal constitutes normal business transactions, warning constitutes slow business transactions, and critical constitutes those business transactions, which are very slow or contain an error.

Server Health

This section displays the total number of servers inside a tier along with the percentage of the critical, warning, and normal servers as shown in Figure 157.

Figure 157: Server Health Window

Integration Point Health

This section displays the health of the integration point. Integration point health is categorized into critical, warning, and normal, and is represented by red, orange, and green color respectively. It is represented in the form of percentage as shown in Figure 158.

Figure 158: Integration Point Health Option

Clicking the Integration Point Health link, navigates you to the Integration point health section.

Figure 159: Integration Point Health Window

This displays two sections – IP stats and the IP Summary. The IP stat section displays the response time, CPS, and error/sec. The IP Summary section displays details of

  • Integration Point: Shows the name of the integration point.
  • Available: Shows the availability if any in the integration point.
  • Health: Shows the status of the integration point.
  • Avg: Shows the average of IP.
  • Max: Shows the maximum of the particular IP.
  • Response Time Trend: Graphical representation of the respond time.
  • CPS: Shows call per second.
  • CPS Trend: Graphical representation of CPS trend.
  • Total Calls: Shows the total calls.
  • Total Errors: Number of errors in the IP.
  • Error Trend: Shows the error trend.

Transaction Scorecard

A scorecard is the summary of the business transaction that shows its performance at application, tier, or node level within a specified time range.

Figure 160: Transaction Scorecard Window

It is used:

  • For the selected ND Tier/Tier Group.
  • For the selected time period (e.g. Last 1 Hour).
  • Total Count of all business transactions.
  • Split by BT categories:
  • Normal
  • Slow
  • Very Slow
  • Errors
  • Metrics:
  • Percentage
  • Count
  • Average Response Time (ms)

BT Summary

This section is used to view the overall summary of the business transaction. To view the summary of the business transactions, the user needs to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click the Total Count link in the transaction scorecard. The Business Transaction window is displayed.
Figure 161: Business Transaction Window
  1. Here, you can view the method timing report, database query report, flowpath analyzer, group by custom data, and BT IP summary within the Action You can also download the BT summary report in word, excel, or PDF formats.
  2. In Action, we have got the following option:
Figure 162: Action Option
  • View Method timing report: Click icon for this. For details refer to Method Timing Report.
  • View DB Request Report: Click icon for this. For details refer to DB Request Report.
  • View Flowpath Analyzer: Click icon for this. For details refer to FP Analyzer.
  • View BT IP Summary: Click icon for this. For details refer to BT Summary.
  • View Aggregate Transaction flowmap: Click icon for this.

4. Other information displayed in the BT Trend window are:

    • Name of Business transaction
    • Overall count
    • Percentage of business transaction
    • Overall transaction per second

5. And various other details for normal/slow/very slow/error business transactions.
6. To view the flow path report of the business transaction, click the Overall Count link for that particular business transaction.

Figure 163: Flowpath Report of Business Transaction

BT Trend

This section is used to view the overall trend of the business transaction. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Click the Transaction Scorecard link, the BT Trend window is displayed.

Figure 164: BT Trend Window
  1. Click the Total Count link for a particular business transaction to view the flow path report.
Figure 165: Flowpath Report Window

BT Stats

  1. To view the business transaction stats for a particular business transaction, click the corresponding Response Time link on the BT Trend Summary The BT category stats are displayed.
Figure 166: BT Trend Window

2. To view a particular BT category, such as slow, very slow, or error, click on the corresponding count link (within the Transaction Scorecard).

Figure 167: BT Stats
BT Trend Compare

You can compare a sample trend of business transactions with the time specified. Go to the BT Trend window and select the comparison from either the last 1-hour time or with the specified time.

  1. Click the Compare for selected Last 1 hour with the previous
  2. For comparing the BT trend with the last 1 hour, select the Last 1-hour option, and click Apply button as shown in Figure 168.
  3. For comparing the BT trend with the specified time, select the Specified Time option, click Apply button, and specify the start time and end time.
Figure 168: BT Trend Compare
  1. The output is displayed in Figure 169:
Figure 169: Apply Time Period


You can also apply filters in business transactions. To perform this operation, follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. On the BT trend window, click the Filter button ( ) on the top-right corner to get the Business Transaction Filters
Figure 170: Business Transaction Filter Screen
  1. Enter filter values and click Apply button.
Figure 171: Data as per Filter

FP Analyzer

Analyzing flow-path is necessary for debugging and finding issues as it helps the person analyze and identify an area that could be causing problems. However, if there are many flow-paths with each having a different combination of methods, identifying issues becomes quite difficult. To overcome this situation, the FP Analyzer feature is introduced that identifies the methods causing issues based on certain trends.

To open the FP Analyzer, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. On the Tier Status window, click the Business transaction link (such as slow, very slow) under the Transaction Scorecard The Business Transaction window is displayed as shown in Figure 172.
Figure 172: Business Transaction Window
  1. Click thebutton to view the FlowPath Analyzer Flowpath Analyzer is useful in case of a large number of flowpath to identify the issue where each flowpath has a different set of combinations of methods.
Figure 173: Flowpath Analyzer

3. This window is divided into the following sections:

Pattern Stats

User can view the pattern for previous time and see the trend.

Figure 174: Pattern Stats Window

Flowpath Signature

It provides the total, average, minimum, and maximum flowpath count for that particular flowpath signature.

Figure 175: Flowpath Signature Window

Pattern Summary

For a pattern, it provides total flowpath count, % of flowpath, flowpath avg. time, top contributor, time, count per flowpath.

Figure 176: Pattern Summary Window

Top Methods

It provides the package, method name, response time, and count for overall and different


Figure 177: Top Method Window

2. This window displays the top methods that are causing the issue. It displays the overall total self-time and count per flowpath. In the subsequent columns, self-time and count are displayed pattern-wise. At the top, it displays the pattern summary, such as pattern number, flowpath average time (ms), flowpath count, percentage flowpath, and top contributor.

3. To view the overall flowpath or the flowpath of a specific pattern, click the flowpath count link on the FP Analyzer window. The Flowpath detail window is displayed as shown in Figure 178.

Figure 178: Flowpath Detail Window

4. You can view the following details further via this window:

    • IP Summary via Business Transaction link
    • HTTP report via URL link
    • HotSpot report via category link
    • Transaction Flowmap by Start Time
    • Method timing report via Total Response Time link
    • Method calls details by Methods link
    • Transaction FlowMap via Callouts link
    • DB request report via DB Callouts link

Slow/Very Slow BT Analysis

In the transaction scorecard, the business transactions are categorized into normal, slow, very slow, and Errors. You can view the detailed report of transactions that fall in a particular category. To perform this operation, follow the below-mentioned steps.

Click the link to see a particular category of business transactions.

  1. Normal
  2. Slow
  3. Very Slow
  4. Errors
Figure 179: Transaction Scorecard Window

Example – Error Business Transactions

Figure 180: Example for Error Business Transaction

Transaction Flow Map


Once business transactions are refined, you can monitor the business transaction performance. Business transaction list contains high-level information of the application health and performance of a business transaction. It displays information such as, FP details, DB request report, method timing report, hotspot thread details, view related graphs, current instance log, and all instance logs.

You can view the transaction flow map that provides a detailed flow of the transactions. To perform this operation, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click on the CallOuts count of FlowPath table as shown in Figure 181.
Figure 181: Callouts Count

2. The Transaction FlowMap section is displayed as shown in Figure 182:

Flow: Rest -> Sal -> DB

Figure 182: Transaction FlowMap

DB Request Report

You can view details of DB calls by following the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click an instance. Select the DB Request Report option as in Figure 183.
Figure 183: DB Request Report
  1. FlowPath DB Request shows all queries.
Figure 184: DB Query Window

It has the following fields:

  • Query: It is the database query request created by application. A database query is a request to access data from a database to manipulate it or retrieve it.
  • First query time: The time taken when first query was run, when it has to load it from disk.
  • Last query time: The time taken when the user last run the query, after the first query subsequently DB uses memory, which is much faster than disk.
  • Counts of the query: Number of times the query has been count.
  • Error counts: Number of times the query has gotten error response.
  • Minimum time (ms): Minimum time taken by query to get response.
  • Maximum time (ms): Maximum time taken by query to get response.
  • Average time (ms): Average time taken by query to get response
  • Execution time (ms): Time taken to execute query.

Note: This window displays information on DB, such as query, first query time, last query time, counts of the query, error counts, minimum counts, maximum time (ms), average time (ms), and execution time (ms).

Method Timing Report

This section displays the time taken by the methods for their execution. It contains the package name, class name, method name, and various categories of time taken for execution.

  1. Right-click on the instance. Select Method Timing Report option as shown in Error! Reference source not found..
Figure 185: Method Timing Report

2. The Method Timing Report is displayed in below figure. You can view a summary of all Methods, Classes, and Packages. Go to a particular section to view its details.

Figure 186: Method Timing Window

Hotspots Thread Details

Threads, which are stuck in one method for a time more than the threshold value, are called HotSpot threads. You can view the hotspots of the flow maps by performing below mentioned steps.

  1. Right-click on the instance. Select Hotspots Thread Details option as shown in Figure 187.
Figure 187: Hotspot Thread Details
  1. This displays the HotSpot Thread Details window as shown in Figure 188.
Figure 188: HotSpot Thread Details Window

Note: The details for this section has already been described in Hotspot.

Method Call Details

This section displays a table of all the methods that are called in the business transactions.

Right-click on the instance. Click the Method Call Table option as shown in Figure 189

Figure 189: Method Call Details
  1. This displays the Method Call Details window as in Figure 190.
Figure 190: Method Call Detail Window

3. There are two sections within this:

  • Method Summary

This displays the summary of the method call with details, such as – method name, percentage, cumulative self-time, average self-time, cumulative wall time, average wall time, cumulative CPU self-time, average CPU self-time, count, wait time, and sync time.

  • Method Calling Tree

This displays details, such as – Max Depth, Min Wall Time, Threshold, Elapsed Threshold, Total Thread Queue Time, and Total Self Time.

Note: Only instrumented methods are shown in the method call tree. There may be other non-instrumented methods called in between methods having parent-child relationship in the method call tree.

4. You can perform the following actions in this section:

  • View Callouts in expanded and collapsed form using the button. 
  • Implement Dynamic logging by clicking the button. 
  • Start Auto instrumentation by clicking thebutton. 
  • Get flowpath instances by clicking the button. 
  • View Method color meaning by clicking the button.

HTTP Reports

Refer to HTTP Report.

Sequence Diagram

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how objects operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in a time sequence.  Sequence Diagram can be opened directly from flowpath using flowpath Instance or indirectly from Split View by first clicking on any link and then on the Sequence Diagram tab.

Using Flowpath Instance

  1. Click the Flowpath instance as in Figure 191:
Figure 191: Flowpath Instance Window

2. This opens up the Sequence Diagram tab as shown in Figure 192.

Figure 192: Sequence Diagram Tab

Here, you can view the complete details, such as package, class, and methods detail by hovering the mouse. You can view Tier Callout details by hovering the mouse on a tier callout.

Figure 193: Sequence Diagram

3. For filter settings, click the Filters button at the top right corner. This displays the Sequence Diagram Filter Settings window as displayed in Figure 194.

Figure 194: Sequence Diagram Filter Setting Window

Note: Here, you can configure the filter for the sequence diagram. Upon clicking the Apply button, filters are applied and the sequence diagram is displayed accordingly.

Dynamic Diagnostic

Instrumentation is required to capture method level data and stats. Auto-Instrumentation feature utilizes NetDiagnostics agent and auto-detects instrumentation profiles of important methods

Figure 195: Dynamic Diagnostic Icon

Once you click the  icon, the following page opens.

Figure 196: Dynamic Diagnostic Configuration

General Settings

In general settings we have the following fields:

  • Business Transaction: Enter the name of the business transaction executed on the instance, such as catalog, product, or tracking an order. By clicking this, the user can view the IP summary report.
  • Session Name: Enter the session name.
  • Session Duration: Enter the session duration.
  • Completion Mode: User can select any one of the following:
  • No Download
  • Download file after session
  • Download and Apply
  • Apply Mode: User can select any one of the following option as per the requirement:
  • Apply on Instance
  • Apply on instance and save

Advance Settings

Figure 197: Advance Settings

In advanced settings, there are the followings fields:

  • Maximum stack depth to identify idle threads: In auto instrumentation, the application agent ignores idle threads, which have stack depth less than provided value.
  • Sample interval: Enter the sample time gap.
  • Trace level: Trace level of DD auto instrumentation.
  • Number of thread samples to instrument methods: It is the total number of thread samples used to instrument a method.
  • Percentage of executing methods in thread samples to be instrumented: It is the percentage of thread samples used to instrument a method.
  • Percentage of executing methods in flowpath to be un-instrumented: It is the total percentage of executing a method in flowpath which is to be un-instrumented.
  • Maximum method (s) to be considered for auto instrumented: Maximum unique method without overloading which will be considered in Auto Instrumentation Process.
  • Minimum average execution time of method for instrumentation (in ms): Methods will be un-instrumented if the average execution time of the method less than the provided value.
  • Weightage of methods in stack traces having execution/integration point calls: All methods in stack trace having exceptions and integration point calls will have more weightage for auto instrumentation.
  • Concurrent Auto Instrumentation threshold: Maximum no of active BT serving threads for DD AI session.
  • Dump Data: Enter the dump data.
  • Thread blacklist filter: Provided thread names are excluded in the DD AI session.
  • Thread whitelist filter: Provided thread names are included in the DD AI session.
  • Blacklist filter: Provided BT names are excluded in the DD AI session.
  • Whitelist filter: Provided BT names are included in the DD AI session.
  • Remove auto instrumentation session changes after its completion: By enabling this, un-instrumented all methods which are considered for auto instrumentation session completion.
  • Delete the server: Deletion of file from the server.
  • Enable the box for auto instrumentation for Method capturing.


  • Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user can click on Start button to enable the auto instrumentation.
  • If the user wants to reset the Dynamic Diagnostics Configuration window, the user has to click on the Reset to Default button. 
  • If the user does not want to save the configuration, then the user has to click on the Cancel.